Tag Archives: agriculture

Root-knot nematode (roundworm) poses risks to rice productivity and farmers’ health in Cambodia

Root-knot nematode (roundworm) poses risks to rice productivity and farmers’ health in Cambodia

Rice cultivation in the Mekong Region is often afflicted with pests and diseases leading to yield losses and livelihood impacts. This piece by Sourkea explores the impact of rice root-knot nematode (tiny, worm-like creatures found in the soil) which poses a significant threat to rice production in Cambodia.

The iconic lotus fields of Thap Muoi in the Mekong Delta are shrinking

The lotus fields of Dong Thap province in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta are a famous tourist destination. The lotus fields bloom during the flood season from July to October. But in recent years, the lotus farmers are facing difficulties from a combination of climate change, declining water levels, salinity and falling prices for the lotus seeds.

Amidst the drought, diversifying farming systems can protect food security in Cambodia

Climate change especially drought are threatening the rice production and fishery in Cambodia. Sao Phal Niseiy explains that farmers and fishers can cope through efforts at raising awareness, promoting capacity building and diversified farming systems to ensure food security.
